Live/Synchronous Attendance
Live/synchronous programs require that you be present for the full length of an event. In addition, you must sign in and participate in attendance measures such as turning on your camera at established points and participating in course activities. During a live program, we will follow all attendance guidelines of our certifying bodies including taking screen captures of those in attendance, monitoring when students drop off early or arrive late, and verifying registration. You cannot miss more than 15 minutes of any live/synchronous program and still receive full credit.
Recorded/Asynchronous Attendance
In order to qualify as completing a recorded course, our certifying bodies require that you view all of the materials (recordings, handouts, exercises, etc.) associated with a course and submit an quiz and/or evaluation. Our website will monitor your progress in a course and provide you all of the materials. At the end of the course you will be required to complete and submit a content quiz closely related to the learning objectives for the course.
For students wishing to receive AASECT credit, you must submit an evaluation covering the suitability of the course, the presenter, and how much you learned or did not learn as a result of the course. ISTI is required to keep these evaluations on file for 7 years.
For students wishing to receive APA credit, you may choose to submit an evaluation that is anonymous and covers the suitability of the course, the presenter, and how much you learned or did not learn during the course. You may choose submit an evaluation that is not anonymous as well.
If you have any questions about attendance requirements for ISTI courses, please reach out to the administrative team.